13/10/19 - 5:43 PM

v2.10.6 - Changelog

* FIHF Ranking clubs update : for more equality when a new manager take an existant club, the points are reset to 0.
* Registration update : a new manager will have 22 players in all cases

12/10/19 - 11:43 AM

v2.10.5 - Changelog

* Improve design on next game and stats game pages

29/09/19 - 6:51 PM

v2.10.4 - Changelog

* Add shield to player card image
* Automatic chat notification when a manager makes a declaration. Others managers can like or unlike the declaration.

28/09/19 - 4:48 PM

v2.10.3 - Changelog

* New dedicated shield editor entirely free ! Go to menu Office > Shirts and colors to edit your own.

08/09/19 - 11:47 AM

v2.10.2 - Changelog

* Budget page added in the finance section to help you to manage your budget and see how much percentage of the incomes represent the players wage.

13/07/19 - 2:50 PM

v2.10.1 - Changelog

* You can now use the button Copy license from the player page to create a shortcut in your chat message

Good S33 for all managers !!

01/06/19 - 10:40 AM

v2.10 - Changelog

* New game viewer more efficient
* Add internal notification system, you are notified when :
    * A training session has ended
    * A Game is beginning
    * Championship has been updated

19/04/19 - 4:51 PM

v2.9.2 - Changelog

* Fix : player can't be added to auction list when he's loan with purchase option
* Fix : players in team b in their club are displayed in the international team composition page
* Fix : manager can't vote for elections in international mode
* Fix : calendar page for International mode
* Add Nation League history page

30/03/19 - 3:15 PM

v2.9.1 - Changelog

* Add history page to international teams
* Add international history to manager page
* Add international teams FIHF Ranking

Hourra Football Manager Online Free Game

HMFO is a free game in which you take on the role of a football club manager.

In your daily management you can plan trainings, prepare tactics, negotiate transfers, find young talent, develop your stadium and much more.

Watch your team's games in 2D, and even those of your opponents to analyse their tactics and find their weak points. Friendly matches and tournaments are possible at any time.
One goal for you as a manager, to take your team to the top of world football !


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